Aviation / 2019 Flight of Dreams - 波音787原型機 The Prototype of Boeing 787

April, 2019

位在名古屋中部國際機場的Flight of Dreams,在201810月正式開幕,此場館分為兩個部分,一為陳展波音787原型機的Flight Park,吸引著各地的航空迷前往朝聖,另一個部分為商店街,因美國西雅圖為波音公司的發源地,將Flight of Dreams內部的商店街打造成西雅圖風格的商城,引入星巴克、MLB水手隊、Foodie's Stand等源自於西雅圖的商店

Flight of Dreams at Chubu Centrair International Airport in Nagoya, Japan was grandly opened in October, 2018. This place can separate into two sections. One is called 'Flight Park' that displays the prototype of Boeing 787 and the animation of Boeing 787 assembly processing and attracts aviation enthusiast to visit. The other one is the shopping area that imports the shops originated from Seattle, likes Starbucks, MLB Seattle Mariners and Foodie's Stand.

由名鐵的機場售票處,經由停車場連通道,步行約十分鐘,就能到達Flight of DreamsFlight of Dreams中可分為一樓波音787展示場的Flight Park及二樓購物街的Seattle Terrace

Flight Park的營業時間為10:00~17:00,最後入場時間為16:30; Seattle Terrace的營業時間為10:00~20:00

The way to arrive the Flight of Dreams is walking about 10 minutes through the aisle of parking area from Nagoya Railway ticket office. Flight of Dreams can divide into Flight Park which is Boeing 787 display area and Seattle Terrace which is shopping street on second floor.

In terms of Flight of Park, The business hours is 10:00 to 17:00 and last enter time is 16:30; In other side, the business hours of Seattle Terrace is 10:00 to 20:00.

由二樓的座椅區可以近距離觀賞配置於波音787上偌大的勞斯萊斯型號Trent 1000引擎,Trent 1000引擎最明顯的外部特徵為尾段的波浪外型,這個波浪狀的形狀可以降低60%的引擎噪音

The visitor can observe closely the Trent 1000 engine equipped on Boeing 787 from seat area on the second floor. The most specific feature of Trent 1000 is the wave appearance in the rear, the wave appearance can reduce about 60% noise compared with the originals.


其實,波音787與名古屋所在的中部地區有相當深厚的連結,波音78735%的零附件於中部地區所生產,所以時常能在中部國際機場遇到波音747-400 LCF運輸機的到訪,運載波音787的零附件

As a aviation enthusiast, it must to take the moment to observe the prototype of Boeing 787. The prototype of Boeing 787 whose registration number is N787BA was donated to Chubu Centrair International Airport by The Boeing Company for display propose in 2015.

Actually, Boeing 787 has a close connection with Japan central area where Nagoya is located, because all of 35% components of Boeing 787 are manufactured in there. Therefore, Boeing 747-400 LCF usually lands at Chubu Centrair International Airport to transport the components between Nagoya, Japan and Seattle, U.S.

機型 : Boeing 787-8
註冊編號 : N787BA
原廠編號 : ZA001

Aircraft Type : Boeing 787-8
Registration Number : N787BA
Original Number : ZA001


We can enjoy the scenery of huge iron bird from the front perspective.


The mechanism of Boeing 787 landing gear


The nose landing gear and main landing gear for Boeing 787 are manufactured by SAFRAN using the emerging material technology to achieve the reducing weigh and corrosion.

In addition to the landing gear, the braking system also made by SAFRAN.

接著將進入駕駛艙參觀,從圖中可見,駕駛艙配有先進的全數位儀表及兩具抬頭顯示器,可提升機師於飛行姿態及性能數據的監控效率。姿態控制系統的供應商為凱昇電子(Kaiser Electronics),操作模式與波音777相似;顯示螢幕、通訊系統及狀態警示系統則採用羅克韋爾柯林斯(Rockwell Collins)的產品;導航系統、自動駕駛系統、大氣數據計算機等電子設備使用霍尼韋爾(Honeywell)的產品

After the visiting on the ground, I enter to the cockpit to visit the instrument including the digital instrument and HUDs. The flight attitude control system is supplied by Kaiser Electronics; The display, communication system and situation warming system are supplied by Rockwell Collins; The navigation, auto-pilot system and air data computer are supplied by Honeywell.

在影片中紀錄了Fly with 787 Dreamliner的聲光秀及Boeing Factory的動畫展示,Fly with 787 Dreamliner聲光秀為每三十分鐘登場,將炫彩的燈光投映在白色的機身上,並配合音樂進行燈光的變換

Boeing Factory的動畫展間中,將波音Everett工廠的組裝生產線流程,投影於兩側牆面及展場中間的水平屏幕上,可以讓各位詳細了解波音如何運用日新月異的技術組裝波音787

The film records the acousto-optic show named 'Fly with 787 Dreamliner' and Boeing Factory Animation. Fly with 787 Dreamliner show uses the brilliant spotlight to project on the white airframe and accompanies the music to transform.

In the animation display area, the assembly line in Boeing Everett Factory is projected on the display on the two sides walls and horizontal display in the middle of area. The animation can let visitor to know how to assemble the Boeing 787 by the-state-of-art technology.

